Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another Manic Week

As life races on I find that I can't possibly keep up.  The thing is, I don't build any time in for the things that "come up".  I book my time so tightly that when one thing pops in, it throws off the whole balance.  Yesterday I was so on top of things.  Dinner was made before seven, kids were in bed by 8:30 (not that they went to sleep, mind you, but at least my side was taken care of.  That was half the battle.

And here  I stand today, right back where I was at the beginning of the week.

I'm no closer to opening "Book Name" than on any other day, but I'm not giving up.  In the mean time, I'm going to try to get an article published about our medical mission to China.

For those of you who don't know, Eric and I spent 10 days in China a year ago.  It was a fantastic trip, with Eric getting sick on rice wine only the once.  (All three of the men took a turn over-indulging.)  The funny thing was, it was one of our own that made that toast that put him over the edge.  Leave it to the stupid Americans to self-destruct from within.

Anyway, for those of you who are interested, I will put the article in the next post.

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